How to Apply
Becoming a Roamin' Redbird is the opportunity of a lifetime. Follow the steps below to choose your program, apply, and begin your adventure!
Consider Your Options
Step 1: Attend a First Steps Session
Step 1: Attend a First Steps session to learn how to navigate the study abroad website, explore program opportunities, classes, budgets, and learn how to start an application.
Step 2: Locate Your Program of Interest
Step 2: Explore program offerings using our Getting Started and Choosing a Program pages. Narrow your options down to your top two or three programs.
Before making your final program selection, you should meet with your Academic Advisor to determine your plan of study and what courses you have available to take during your time abroad.
- Not all classes are going to be available at each location and each major has different flexibility in their plans of study. It's important to speak with your Academic Advisor and determine when is a good time for you to study abroad and what classes may be better to take abroad.
- Having an idea of your plan of study and/or the types of classes you are hoping to take abroad before you meet with a Study Abroad Advisor, allows our office to better assist you in determining which programs are a better fit for you.
Once you have attended First Steps and talked with your Academic Advisor, you can schedule an appointment to meet with a Study Abroad Advisor to go over any remaining questions you may have.
Interested in hearing about another student's experience? Check out the Get Involved page for information on connecting with alumni, video correspondents, and peer advising hours.
Start Your Application
Step 3: Complete Study Abroad Application Forms
Step 3: Select your program of interest in the My Study Abroad portal and click 'Apply Now' to access the application forms.
- After clicking 'Apply Now', you will create an account using your ISU secure Central Login credentials. You will then have access to all application forms for that program.
- All items must be received electronically/submitted to the Study Abroad Team (Fell Hall, 2nd Floor) by 4:00 pm by the deadline for an application to be considered "In Review'.
- If you have questions, please contact or call (309)438-5276
Please note: You are required to choose one program per term. Applying to multiple programs per term is prohibited. If you have started an application and would like to change the program you are applying to, please contact our office and we can switch your program manually.
Step 4: Meet with Faculty Director
Step 4: If a program is faculty directed, meet with the Faculty Director (contact information can be found on the program specific page).
Step 5: Advisor and Academic Planning Form
Step 5: Meet with your Academic Advisor and complete an Academic Planning Form.
Consider Costs
Step 6: Contact Financial Aid and Student Accounts
Step 6: If you currently receive Financial Aid, contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how your aid can be applied to your study abroad program.
If you utilize College Illinois!, contact Mary Hospelhorn in Student Accounts to determine how your College Illinois! can be applied to your term abroad.
Step 7: Discuss Costs
Step 7: It is highly recommended to discuss anticipated program costs with parents, guardians, or other financial supporters of your study abroad experience (if applicable).
Step 8: Apply for Scholarships
Step 8: Apply for Study Abroad scholarships. Opportunities range widely and can be based on a number of different qualifiers, some of which may include: GPA, need-based, demographics, first-generation, major or minor specific, study abroad destination, etc. Please take the time to explore these scholarships.
Step 9: Confirm Your Acceptance
Step 9: To confirm your acceptance, complete all Post-Decision/Enrollment Forms in the My Study Abroad portal prior to the Enrollment Forms Collection due date listed in your acceptance letter. These documents are specific to the program in which you are applying.
Step 10: Review Pre-Departure Information
Step 10: Students are expected to participate in the mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation program consisting of three parts: reviewing the Pre-Departure Guidebook, completing an online orientation by watching modules and taking the corresponding quizzes through ReggieNet, and attending an in-person Send Off where students are able to meet other participants from their program, as well as those studying abroad to all locations during the same term.
Step 11: Advising and Academic Planning Form
Step 11: If you have not already done so, meet with your Academic Advisor and complete an Academic Planning Form.